Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Birthday and Christmas

Well Christmas came and went so fast! All the snow and Joel working so much made the holiday sneak up a lot faster than usual. Decorations are already packed up and the house is clean and back to normal. Kind of sad to see if all go, but it feels good to have a clean house again. A tree and decorations seem to clutter it so much than just Charlie's toys.

We also celebrated Charlie's second birthday the week before Christmas. I can't believe he is already 2. He is getting so big, but I know he will just keep going day to day. He is very active and very stubborn (who knows where that came from ;) ). Talking a lot, and it's getting easier to understand him. He has started putting sentences and thoughts together, which is fun. He knows a lot of his colors, and loves to draw circles. He tries to count, and knows "two, three". He is such a smart little guy. I just wish "mine" and "no mommy" would go away, but we are working on it. Hahaha!!! It will be a while, I am sure!

After a record in snowfall for snow in December here in Iowa, we aren't sure what the next few months will have in store. We have loaded up on shovels, salt, and are trying to keep a small food storage in case we get some more bad storms.

We wanted (ok, I wanted) to take a trip to California in the next few months to visit family and friends, especially with all the changes in the last year, but the joys of a new house, a new family, and just the costs of travelling have made it tough. My little brother gets home from his mission in August, and 1 sister had a baby in August and another one is due in January, so next Christmas will be a sure trip out to see everyone, so I just have to wait.

Pictures to come. Charlie is asking for milk and I haven't uploaded them from the camera yet, so hopefully soon. If you read this and want them sooner, just send a reminder email or make a comment. :)