Saturday, March 20, 2010


Wow! Look at me!! Twice in one month. I wanted to write a bit about what Charlie has been up to. He is such a big kid now. It's hard to remember sometimes that he is just 2 and 3 months, some days I have to verbally remind myself so I have a little more patience. But I wanted to share with family and friends some of the fun things Charlie is saying and learning.
He has learned his ABC's and what they say. He will say "Mommy, the H says *pants like a dog*". He has something for each letter. He has a board with letter magnets, plus some on the fridge. He also points out letters everywhere we go. It's so fun.

Joel and I are having a war over certain types of words. I got him saying 'soda' instead of 'pop', so Joel wants him to say 'samich' instead of 'sandwich' (so 'he has a little white trash in him'... haha!). Random little things that keep life interesting.

Some of my favorites right now are 'thanks' not 'thank you' anymore, the way please sounds like 'peas', and if you ask him 'why?' he will say 'cuz' accenting the c with a southern type drawl. It is so cute! Last night when we were leaving Joel's parents house he said "no way Jose" to Joel's dad and it was so funny!

He has been speaking in understandable sentences, too. For a while he would just babble between 2 words and expect everyone to understand, but now they are pretty clear. We went for a walk on Thursday and he said such things as "airplane flying in the sky" and "they flying a kite". May not be 'perfect', but for a 2 year old it is great.

In other information, he loves riding his bike, now outside. He still reads his books, but has his letters too. He loves sliding, running, and any type of ball he can throw, hit, or kick. He is very active, but very sweet and helpful, too. He likes to clean up his spot at the table, including putting dishes in the sink and wiping the table and floor. He will remind others to do the same. He loves to throw stuff away, help take out trash, really help with anything I do. He will help move and fold laundry (really that last part isn't very helpful!). I have to clean bathrooms and such when he is asleep because he doesn't understand why he cant help spray cleaner. He is good and cleaning his toys and always has his room pretty clean. He is so fun!!!

Well, that is my update. Now I need to print this and put it in his baby book to save myself some time. I hope you enjoy. I will try to update more often like this. It allows me to tell more details instead of summarizing months at a time.

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