Friday, March 13, 2009

Catching Up

So I just wrote a post, then lost it... Stink... And I can't figure out how to turn the picture of Charlie, so enjoy. HAHA!

So, the recap. I moved to Des Moines, Iowa in July 2008 and couldn't be happier!!! Charlie is doing great, enjoying daycare while I work 4 days a week as a substitute teacher. I am trying to get a full-time teaching job for next year and if I do I will be buying a house here in town. I am so excited!!! Charlie will be 15 months next week and is just so fun. Such a happy kid!!! He loves to run, he wants to walk up the stairs, not crawl, and he is starting to talk. Mostly he points at everything and says 'what's that', but he says 'rama' for grandma, 'keegy' for kitty, and goes 'mmm' if you mention food at meals. He loves to ride on his rocking horse and car, he loves to talk on the phone, and even has been known to call people on my phone, and he absolutely loves to push his cars around the room.

I am doing great, too. HAPPY! I love my job, I have some great friends, the most amazing son, and I am dating the greatest guy ever!!! Joel Hanson is from here, I met him at church when I first moved here and we have been dating since last fall. We take trips to Missouri to see Olivia a lot, but curl up on the couch most of the time because we are both so tired from work. He comes over and hangs out and plays with Charlie until bed time, then we watch tv and talk until he goes home for bed. He is a carpenter with the greatest family! I love him so much!

I must also document that it is 8:55 am and Charlie is still in his crib. I am working on him sleeping all night in his crib, and through the night. He went to bed at 8:45, only woke up once at 3:30, and is still sleeping soundly. HOORAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. You keep up the posts!
    Glad to hear you're doing well. Joel better be treatin' ya good! or he'll hear from me ...!
    What a cute boy! He's sure growing up. It's sad and exciting when they do. chow.
